Tuesday, September 12, 2017


You think yourself so wise,
A master of manipulation,
Proud of your maneuvering,
Skilled in the art of deception.

Clothed in a charming costume,
Outside all beauty and light,
But scratch beneath the surface,
Inside, you are dark as night.

Believe you can control me,
Convinced I cannot see,
The “you” behind the mask,
The monster you’ve come to be.

But you are the one who’s deluded,
To think I do not know,
To kid yourself I am blinded,
To your fraudulent, insincere show.

For I am not easily swindled,
And my actions are still my own,
You may think I am bent to your will,
But my motives are mine alone.

You hide your true intentions,
But mine are plain to see,
No cover, no guise, no veneer,
I am simply me.

You must find yourself so horrid,
So unlovable, so unclean,
You’re afraid to unmask the real you,
The person yet unseen.

So, I do not despise you,
No, I feel but pity and sorrow,
That you must hide the horror,
That another’s face you must borrow.

I offer no condemnation,
No vengeance nor hate in my soul,
No, only a genuine intention,
A wish for you to be whole.

But the masquerade must end,
And the pretense must be dropped,
The window-dressing removed,
And the posturing must stop.

For only stripped and bared,
Broken open to the core,
Can a soul reveal its true self,
And hope to become far more.

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